Dear Angie ~あなたは負けない/それぞれの夜

竹内まりや Dear Angie ~あなたは負けない/それぞれの夜歌詞
1.Dear Angie ~あなたは負けない


Dear Angie
向かい風に 心が折れそうでも
あなたの心はしなやか 大丈夫、折れたりしない

Somewhere 彼方に見える
Somewhere 愛の日差しが
Someday あなたのもとに 降りそそぎますよう

Dear Angie
負けないでと 言葉に出来ないほど

Somewhere 遠い街から
Somewhere 届く言葉が
Someday あなたの背中 あたためますように

Yes, I believe

Somewhere 雲間からさす
Somewhere 愛の日差しが
Someday あなたを春へ導きますように




テレビから流れてくる 遠い町のニュースに
しばらく帰れずにいた 故郷を懐かしむ
僕の住むこの都会(まち)にも 新しい季節が
寂しさを癒すように ゆっくり近づいてる
日本中のそれぞれの 人たちにとって今日が
どんな一日だったのか 想いをめぐらす夜

疲れきったそのからだ 休め眠るその前に
何かひとつだけでも 嬉しい出来事探し出して

喜びと悲しみ乗せ 時の汽車は走るよ
振り返るその景色を 「人生」と呼ぶのさ
どこかで今日も泣いている 誰かのこと知るたび
暖かいベッドがあるだけで 幸せすぎる気持ち

明かりすべて消えたあと 深い闇が包んでも
胸の中の灯火までは いつまでも消さないで

光る月に見守られ 君の愛に励まされ
明日という日生きる力を それぞれの夜の果て
それぞれの夜の果て 僕らは見つけようよ

3.Your Mother Should Know

作詞:John Lennon・Paul McCartney
作曲:John Lennon・Paul McCartney

Let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit
before your mother was born.
Though she was born a long, long time ago,
your mother should know, your mother should know.
Sing it again:
Let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit
before your mother was born.
Though she was born a long, long time ago,
your mother should know, your mother should know.
Lift up your hearts and sing me a song
that was a hit before your mother was born.
Though she was born a long, long time ago,
your mother should know, your mother should know.
Your mother should know, your mother should know.
Sing it again:
Da da da da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da.
Though she was born a long, long time ago,
your mother should know, your mother should know.
Your mother should know, your mother should know.
Your mother should know, your mother should know.

4.This Boy

作詞:John Lennon・Paul McCartney
作曲:John Lennon・Paul McCartney

That boy took my love away
He'll regret it someday
But this boy wants you back again

That boy isn't good for you
Though he may want you too
This boy wants you back again

Oh, and this boy would be happy
Just to love you, but oh my
That boy won't be happy
Till he's seen you cry

This boy wouldn't mind the pain
Would always feel the same
If this boy gets you back again
This boy, this boy, this boy